Black Discus Free Samples
We are confident that BlackDiscus devices work - after all, we blind test them routinely. But also we know that they work better on some systems than others, and on a few systems they barely do anything. On most systems though they make an extraordinary difference, and we'd like to show you a taste of this.
To obtain your free sample, simply drop us an email to info <at> madscientist-audio <dot> com with your name and postal address (please include your postcode and country).
Please, only one free sample per person/address. We are a small struggling company so please don't take advantage.
NEW : We have a project to make a simple Power Purifier using the free samples. Click here to learn how. One person who tried this simple project said
"I didn't pay much heed to reports of the MSA discs
until a friend who used to design RF electronics for a
living tried your freebies and told me to do the same. I
found they made no difference wherever I tried them and
I forgot about them until you suggested the "mains
filter" config.
I still cannot believe the
difference they make used in that way. OK, I was hoping
for one of those perhaps/perhaps not,
try-for-a-week-then-remove-to-see differences but the
improvement I'm getting is very marked. If I'd obtained
the same improvement from spending $2000 or so on a new
amplifier, I'd have been delighted."
NOTE: We are very busy sending free samples - we may not get time to acknowledge your request, but we will send your sample, for sure. If you do not receive within three weeks, please get back to us.